Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels There is a multitude of natural antihistamines available that are completely natural, safe, and even delicious that can be added to your everyday nutrition to proactively fight against seasonal allergens.
Springtime comes with many opportunities for renewal, from deciding what to plant, what to clean out, or planning more outdoor activities. For some, it also comes with the added frustration and preparing to deal with the onslaught of allergy symptoms. When your allergies are triggered, your immune system knows it and launches a chain reaction to defend your body and systems. When histamines leave the mast cells, they boost blood flow in the area of your body the allergen has affected, resulting in inflammation. This allows other chemicals from your immune system to step in to do much needed but difficult repair work. While this physiological response is designed to protect you, the many symptoms of this response can be unpleasant and disruptive to your daily life, especially if it is long term or chronic. Did you know there are some naturally occurring antihistamine foods you can add to your daily diet to help combat allergies?
Something as simple as adding specific foods to your regular menu is a proactive and strategic way to help your body fight allergens naturally. A variety of foods & spices have properties that are naturally antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, high in polyphenols as well as rich in antioxidants.
There are so many beneficial foods out there that not only support your physical and mental health, but can also proactively help fight off infections, inflammation, and curb the effects of allergens on your body. Check out our list of natural antihistamine foods and their properties, below.
These natural diet additives will help with lessening your symptoms caused by allergies:
Photo by Elina Sazonova from Pexels Antihistamine foods added to your normal, everyday diet can help boost your body’s response to inflammation and allergens. By adding specific nutrients to your diet, you can proactively stave off inflammation and allergic response, naturally.
This is an introductory list of foods that can help with a histamine and inflammation reaction. At the Integrative Wellness Clinic, we can help create a list of natural dietary additives that’s even more personalized by ordering food allergen and sensitivity testing. Let us help you get ready for a beautiful allergy-free spring, so you can get on with your planning, planting, cleaning, and enjoy the warmer weather!