Some of the Symptoms We Treat
When it comes to dealing with various symptoms, our goal is to always get to the root of the problem.
That means proper diagnostics and focusing on the underlying cause or issue that is making the symptoms appear, and then addressing that cause at the source. By focusing on the root cause, we work to address the problem at its source so that the symptoms can resolve for good!
Definition: Consistent worry, unease, or jittery sensation.
Possible conditions: Can be related to gut health, hormone imbalance, chronic illness, and more. Stress and anxiety manifest in many physical ways that can present as various symptoms and issues. Anxiety can be caused not only by mental health issues, but also by physical imbalances in hormones, vitamins and minerals, and even gut issues!
Potential treatments: Adjustments of underlying cause(s) or medication, may require additional specialty or diagnostics.
Definition: May include vocabulary loss, inability to retain information, finding it hard to follow conversations. General sluggishness with memory and recall, and even confusion or extreme forgetfulness.
Possible conditions: Chronic illnesses, active infection, inflammation. Also potentially due to current or past COVID infections and complications, as brain fog is a symptom frequently reported by "long COVID" sufferers.
Potential treatments: Identify and address underlying cause(s) first and foremost, as this can be trickier to identify. Ensuring the treatment plan is in line with the root cause is key in correcting brain fog. In some cases, this can be addressed with supplements, while other scenarios may require different therapy based on the underlying cause.
Definition: Depressed mood or loss of interest in activities and usual likes and pastimes.
Possible conditions: Chronic illnesses, active urgent infection, fatigue, fibromyalgia, vitamin deficiency. While depression is often treated as solely a mental illness, physical imbalances and other health issues can be a cause of depression, which is why properly identifying the cause can increase the success rate of the treatment of depression.
Potential treatments: Identification and treatment of underlying cause, medication, may require other specialty assistance.
Definition: Lowered sex drive.
Possible conditions: Fatigue, hormone imbalance, chronic infection or illness, medication interactions.
Potential treatments: Hormone regulation after evaluation of any medications alongside addressing any infections and fatigue issues.
Definition: A man's inability to get or keep an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse.
Possible conditions: Fatigue, hormone imbalance, chronic infection or illness, medication. Similarly to decreased libido, erectile disfunction can be due to medication side effects or interactions, as well as several other health issues. Working closely to focus on the cause, we can help resolve this problem for the long term.
Potential treatments: Hormone regulation after evaluation of any medications alongside addressing any infections and fatigue issues.
Definition: Body not able to recover, and tired even after resting. May also be referred to as chronic fatigue.
Possible conditions: Adrenal fatigue, Lyme disease, mold exposure, CIRS, hormone imbalance, medication side effects, long haul COVID effects.
Potential treatments: Detailed diagnostics and holistic evaluation of causes, issues, and contributing factors to determine customized plan. Chronic fatigue is a challenge that plagues many people and simple solutions such as an added cup of coffee or just trying to sleep more often do not resolve the issue and can even make matters worse. Understanding why the fatigue is happening and why additional rest is needed by the body - or the body feels like it needs additional rest - will help find a treatment to work for the long term.
Definition: All over body ache, weakness, extreme debilitating fatigue. Sometimes known as severe aches and pains, these symptoms may or may not be accompanied by a fever or sub-normal body temperature.
Possible conditions: In addition to the flu, viral infections, and the common cold, there are other issues that can cause a similar grouping of symptoms. These include adrenal fatigue, Lyme disease, mold exposure, CIRS, hormone imbalance, and of course the COVID virus.
Potential treatments: Detailed diagnostics and holistic evaluation of causes, issues, and contributing factors to determine appropriate treatment plan.
Definition: A noticeable or significant loss of hair when brushing, running fingers through hair, or even just on its own or when sleeping.
Possible conditions: Hair loss can be caused by a multitude of issues, such as poor nutrition, vitamin or mineral imbalance, gut issues, autoimmune conditions, or even post-COVID due to damage to the internal systems.
Potential treatments: Diet adjustment, vitamin or mineral adjustments or supplements, diagnostics to review for potential underlying causes, understanding of stress and similar external factors in the patient's life that may also manifest as hair loss.
Definition: According to the World Health Organization, overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health. For adults, WHO defines overweight as a BMI greater than or equal to 25; and obesity is a BMI greater than or equal to 30. But this problem does not only affect adults, it can affect children also.
Possible conditions: Everything from stress to poor eating habits, sedentary lifestyles, metabolic issues, thyroid disorders and dysfunction, and even cancer can cause overweight and obesity issues.
Possible treatments:: Full evaluation of patient's lifestyle, diet, and medical conditions with additional diagnostics as needed to identify root cause. Because this is such a common problem in America with such a vast array of causes, it is something that we treat regularly with great experience and why a holistic approach to understanding the cause of the obesity or overweight issues can help resolve the situation for good for our patients, and help resolve or reduce the risk of other comorbidities such as diabetes or heart disease.